Art direction, Generative AI, Advertising, Campaigns Rasmus Daniel Taun Art direction, Generative AI, Advertising, Campaigns Rasmus Daniel Taun

AI: Turbocharge Your Next Campaign

Ever feel like Don Draper but with 10 times the deadlines? Well, that was me—tasked with crafting a cinematic masterpiece for a company turning yesterday's trash into tomorrow's architectural wonders. But thanks to Midjourney, I achieved the advertising equivalent of light speed. Here’s the lowdown.

Why Midjourney is the Creative Espresso Shot You Didn’t Know You Needed

In the mad rush of the advertising world, we're all chasing that elusive blend of inspiration and efficiency. Well, folks, I've found it—and its name is Midjourney. Imagine needing to whip up a cinematic gem for a company that turns trash heaps into chic construction materials. Sound daunting? Not with Midjourney at your side. This AI-powered wonder lets you churn out storyboards faster than you can say "Cannes Lions."

Let's talk practicality. You've got a brilliant idea. You've got a tight deadline. What you don't have is a month to scout locations and hire a film crew. Enter Midjourney. Feed it a script, and you've got instant mockups that'll make your clients think you've sold your soul to the creative gods.

The Eureka Run: Trash to Treasure, Reimagined

Ah, the birth of a creative concept—it's almost like magic, isn't it? But for me, it's a bit sweatier than pulling a rabbit out of a hat. I'm a long-distance runner, you see. As I hit the cobblestone streets of Copenhagen, my mind starts running too, only faster and freer. It was during one such invigorating run that the idea crystallized: "One man's trash is another man's treasure." But here's the twist—the word 'treasure' morphs into the name of my client's upcycled building materials right on the screen! A clever play on an old saying that packs a punch and turns waste into wonder. Imagine the camera panning from depressing mountains of landfill waste to captivating scenes of beautiful, sustainable buildings. All thanks to the ingenuity of upcycling. So if you're stuck in a creative rut, perhaps what you need isn't another brainstorming session, but a good, long run. It’s my secret sauce for generating brilliant ideas, and it could be yours too.

Not Quite a Mind Reader, but Close Enough!”

But let's get real: AI isn't perfect. If you're looking for an exact replica of your client's custom, upcycled flooring, Midjourney might leave you hanging. But for getting your big idea across? It's pitch-perfect. Besides, a few limitations are a small price to pay for dodging the logistical nightmares of a full-scale shoot.

So, future clients, here's my unsolicited advice: use Midjourney as your creative wingman. It’s like the friend who helps you with your homework—only instead of algebra, it’s your million-dollar campaign. You get to test-drive your wildest ideas, without risking your budget or your reputation.

Davinci Resolve! This is where the raw generated content took on its final form. Editing allowed me to tinker with the film's flow, ensuring a natural progression of ideas and fine-tuning the messaging. What emerged was a refined draft that captured the spirit of the brand.

And... Cut!

So, if you're looking to hyper-speed your way from 'just an idea' to 'let's roll the credits,' Midjourney's your co-pilot. It's the espresso shot your creative process didn’t know it needed, and your ticket to cruising through deadlines with flair.

In a world rapidly transforming, where consumption often outpaces reflection, we are reminded of an age-old saying: 'One man's trash...' Yet, what if we could reimagine this narrative? What if the discarded and the forgotten could be given a new purpose, a second life?

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Strategy, Design Thinking Rasmus Daniel Taun Strategy, Design Thinking Rasmus Daniel Taun

Crafting 'HMW' Questions:

Ready to redefine your strategic thinking? Dive into the transformative power of 'How Might We' questions. This is where intellectual ability meets creative jazz.

Unlock the door to your organization's biggest challenges, one 'How Might We' question at a time. Because sometimes, the quietest questions yield the loudest impact.

“How might we”: The Secret Sauce of Stellar Strategy

Ready to redefine your strategic thinking? Dive into the transformative power of 'How Might We' questions. This is where intellectual ability meets creative jazz.

Introduction: Elevate Your Game, Strategists!

Greetings, creative minds and brand strategists! Are you yearning to break free from the humdrum of conventional brainstorming? Do you desire a strategy session that’s not just another meeting but a carnival of ideas? Well, you're in for a treat. Behold the power of 'How Might We' (HMW) questions, the unsung heroes in the strategic design realm. Stick around; we're about to have some fun.

Why 'How Might We' Questions? A Brief Encore

Let's get the basics down first. Why are HMW questions causing ripples in the ocean of strategic planning? Because they are like that spritz of lime in your mojito—absolutely essential. They:

  • Fuel creativity like caffeine on a Monday morning

  • Shift the spotlight to solutions, not just sob stories

  • Encourage every Tom, Dick, and Harriet in the room to speak up

  • Produce insights that you can actually run with, not just jog beside

If you’re in search of a creative revelation, these questions are your guiding star.

The Art of Crafting 'How Might We' Questions That Resonate

  1. Clearly Identify the Problem: The Root of the Matter

    Understanding the problem at hand is step numero uno. This isn't the time for vague platitudes; get specific. The clearer the problem, the better your HMW questions will be.

  2. The Open-Ended Question: A Creative Playground

    We're brainstorming here, not administering a true-or-false quiz. Your questions should be open-ended to invite a bouquet of solutions. It’s like opening Pandora’s box, but in a good way.

  3. User Focus: Your North Star

    Your user is your polestar. They're the main character in this strategic drama, and we're all just supporting actors. Make your questions as user-centric as a bespoke suit.

  4. Simplicity Is Key: Elegance over Extravagance

    While we're all for sounding intelligent, a simple question is often the most potent. Let’s not make our strategy sessions feel like deciphering a cryptic crossword, shall we?

  5. Positive Vibes Only: Optimism’s the Word

    No one ever solved a problem by complaining about it. Frame your HMW questions in an uplifting manner, and watch how the room's energy changes. Good vibes only, folks.

  6. Specific, Yet Open to Interpretation

    HMW questions should be specific enough to guide the discussion but not so narrow that they stifle creativity. Think of it as a jazz improvisation—structured yet free.

  7. Actionable Insights Await: Time to Get Things Done!

    Once you've wrapped up the question-asking shindig, you should be armed with actionable insights. And yes, they should be actionable, not just ‘ponderable.’ Let's get moving!

Real-World Examples to Fan Your Creative Flames

  • Forget "Why are our customers as engaged as a piece of wet cardboard" Think "How might we turn our customer journey into an epic adventure?"

  • Instead of "Why aren’t we hitting sales targets?", try "How might we redefine our sales strategy to be the talk of the industry?"

  • Ditch "Why is team morale in the basement?" for "How might we cultivate a workplace atmosphere where enthusiasm skyrockets?"

Conclusion: Your Turn to Shine

There you have it — your playbook for creating 'How Might We' questions that elevate the game. These are not just questions; they’re the seeds of your next big innovation. So why not let your strategic imagination run a little wild?

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